A Wearing Formula For The Fall

So, here has come a season time when I always feel confused about the weather and the fluctuant temperature through the day. Morning is chilling. Frost covers the ground. Fog veils the sky and the trees. Even the steering wheel is freezing. Driving along the narrow sinuous road in the residential area is like a maze adventure that you do not look forward that much. But the coldness around you has made you totally awake from the dream of last night. Coziness and warmness are far left behind.


However, when you walk outside around 11 am, you would feel grateful for the nice weather and the soft sunshine shined down upon your face. But there is still a chill in the air, which reminds you that it’s fall not spring.

Well, the sunshine in 4 pm or 5 pm makes you unsure about which season we are in. Are we still in summer? Walking around for just a while, you would probably get sweaty in the back. The premise is you are wearing at least three thin layers of clothes because when you leave home it’s chilly outside.

In such a weather, I like cardigans because they are easy to pull on and off. And a leather skirt makes you look chic with the cardigan. Booties make my feet feel comfortable and warm.

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屏幕快照 2015-10-17 11.10.51 PM

#wearingstyle #stylish #weather #wardrobe

Best Burgers and French Fries Ever!

Hello again! Today I’d like to recommend a local restaurant in Knoxville for you.

I’ve been living in Knoxville for a couple years and I’ve tried some restaurants. I really find it hard to tell the difference between burgers and chips from restaurant to restaurant. I’m a fan of Chinese food, but I also open mind to burgers, sandwiches and French fries. But I know Copper Cellar has the best Kickback burgers and French fries in town! I go back for them from time to time. Kickback burgers has lettuce, tomato slice, pickles and jalapenos. I like the jalapenos’ tingling spice. And the fries, they are gorgeous! Those chips have a crispy layers and soft inside. Once you start to eat, you just can’t stop! The other day I went to Copper cellar, I also ordered fried okras. They also have great tastings! Oh, I forgot to tell you that Wednesday is their burger special day. All the burgers are half-priced with fries or smashed potatoes as the side. On Sunday, other than half-priced burgers, they also have half-priced chicken wings with a variety of sauce to go with. What are you still waiting for?

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#french fries #burger special #copper cellar #wearingtoday #wardrobe of 1989

3 Tips for Portrait Photographing in Fall Season

The most beautiful season has come. The colors of leaves are changing. This is a season when photographers definitely don’t want to miss to take great pictures. And it’s also a wonderful time when you and your friends or beloved ones would like to go out for hiking or a short vacation, because fall break is approaching! Don’t forget to bring a decent camera with you while you are having fun with them. So here are some tips you may need to know before you take any photos.

#1. Be careful about trees and lamp standards.


I’ve seen many portrait photos in which tree branches or a lamp standard “grow” from the person’s head. This is a pitfall you can easily avoid. Just paying a little bit attention to the background. When you are the one who is taking the photo and notice the person being photographed is standing right in front of a tree, you can move several steps right or left so that the awkward composition can be avoided.

#2. Choose clean and organized surroundings.

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A beautiful stylish surrounding is always a good plus. But it’s not that easy to find one especially when photographing is not the purpose of your trip. Try to pick a spot where the background is not that busy or disorganized. Since it’s fall, I strongly recommend you to find somewhere that highlights the characteristics of the seasons, such as reeds or a land covered by yellow leaves.

#3. Try to catch the peak moment.


Posing is a double-wedge sword. Super models know how to model in a right way. But for us, it’s easy to try too hard or look dull. A good photographer communicates with his “model”. Talk to the person you are photographing, or tell her a joke if you have one in mind, and make her smile. The moral of this tip is to make the photo look vibrant.

#portrait photography #fall season #fall break #photographing tips #wearings #wearing style #my wardrobe