An Update of Girl Sketches

It’s been for a while that I haven’t got a chance to do personal sketches. Yesterday I was waiting for someone and feeling boring, so I grabbed a paper and doodled some girls. I used to draw with pencils and need an eraser because I’m not good at sketching human characters. However, I surprisedly found that I didn’t even need the eraser! It’s a good thing to know that my sketching skills is not degrading because of a lack of practice. Although I don’t have much time to do sketches lately, I’ve been watching people on campus. Don’t worry, I’m not that kind of person that likes to peek others. I’m just making myself pay attention to their clothes and movements to prepare myself for sketches. There are lots of interesting things and persons around us, which I think would be perfect materials for my sketches. You many have only one chance to encounter those things and persons, and don’t you feel pity if you can’t record them? Writers use words to record life and people. Drawers use lines and graphics. To me, these are both great ways to learn from life and recall memories in seconds in the future.

IMG_0841 屏幕快照 2015-10-24 11.30.56 PM

#girl sketch #doodling #art #beginner

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